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General dentist for nervous patients

If you are looking for a general dentist for Whanganui, New Zealand who understands nervous patients and is able to cater well for them, then look no further than Dentist on Glasgow. We know that many of you have some level of nervousness when it comes to sitting in the dental chair for many different reasons.

There are several factors which can contribute to dental phobia and nervousness, ranging from previous negative experiences to fear of pain or discomfort. Be reassured, if you are a nervous patient, first of all, you are not alone. We recognise how important it is for you to be able to access the dental care you need in order to maintain a healthy mouth and healthy teeth. As our society grows in its recognition of this, more strategies have become available which could help you to access this dental care in a more comfortable way.

Strategies for nervous patients

Some strategies which can be helpful for you, if you are a nervous patient, are things which you are able to do yourself. For example, getting in contact with your general dentist for Whanganui, New Zealand and explaining your nervousness is a great way to start. We understand that this can be difficult and so would recommend doing so with someone you trust present for support if you feel that would be helpful.

It may be that some patients find comfort even in this simple act, perhaps asking for a name on the phone and then introducing yourself in person to that member of the team might help you to feel more familiar with the practice when you visit us. In addition to this, it might be helpful for you to bring along a trusted friend or perhaps a family member if this type of company is something you feel would be helpful for you personally. Perhaps you might benefit from coming down to the dental practice to book your appointment in person so that you can practise the route which you would take on the day of your appointment and get to know your surroundings in a low pressure situation.

While you are on the phone with us (or here in person), please ask us about what we can do for nervous patients, we would be delighted to discuss this with you to help determine what strategies might be appropriate to use in your individual case. For some patients we can offer sleep dentistry. This is where a sedative is utilised to help you to relax during your dental appointment. This is not something which puts you to sleep, but rather you will be awake, and even able to respond to our questions, but your body should feel more relaxed, and your memory of the appointment should be less prominent than without the sedation.

There are several forms of conscious sedation which are utilised for dental patients, here at Dentist on Glasgow we are able to offer IV sedation. This means the sedative we use is administered through a needle into your vein. This is a strategy which is available to most of our patients, however for those with more complex medical needs it may not be suitable to undergo sedation. Your general dentist for Whanganui, New Zealand will be pleased to discuss your suitability for sedation with you, and answer any questions which you may have about the process. It is important to be aware that this discussion must be had with an appropriately qualified dental practitioner who is able to assess your history and medical suitability before determining your next steps.

Your general dentist for Whanganui, New Zealand plays a vital role in helping to maintain your oral health and providing comprehensive dental care for individuals of all backgrounds. At Dentist on Glasgow we look forward to welcoming you to your appointment and helping you to receive the dental care you need.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.


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All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Contact us for more information. Rebates may vary depending on your individual health fund. 

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday            8:00am - 5:00pm​

Saturday - Sunday        Closed


134 Glasgow Street,

Whanganui 4500

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