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Myths about root canals debunked by our dentist

Have you heard that root canals turn the teeth in your mouth black? Or that they cause discomfort?

At the Dentist on Glasgow, our general dentist for Whanganui New Zealand has restored thousands of smiles using root canals. And can personally attest to how beneficial this treatment is.

But we know that myths surrounding this treatment are prevalent. Here, our general dentist for Whanganui New Zealand debunks the most common myths about root canals.

Myth 1- It kills the tooth

This is a bit of a yes and no answer.

According to our general dentist for Whanganui New Zealand, a root canal may technically kill a tooth if all of the pulp needs to be removed due to the infection. We will aim to leave some of it present, but this may not be possible.

Once the root canal has been filled, you will be able to feel the tooth and use it as you would any other tooth. So, it won’t be dead.

Myth 2- The tooth will turn black

This is an odd myth! As in our practice, your general dentist Whanganui, we have never seen this happen.

It is linked to the root canal killing the tooth. But a tooth that has been treated with a root canal will not turn black, grey or blue. This is what makes a root canal a desirable option; it keeps the tooth white and in your mouth, preventing an extraction. It wouldn’t be so widely practised if it caused your teeth to turn black!

Myth 3- It is uncomfortable

Root canals have, unfortunately, become linked with discomfort. But we think we know why and it is to do with the sensation that many patients experience when going to have a root canal performed. As many of them will have abscesses.

Our team will ensure that your mouth is numbed before you have the root canal performed. And any sensations that may occur afterwards at home should be minimal and controllable with over- the-counter pain relief.

If you notice that there is still discomfort under your tooth, please call our team for a check-up.

Myth 4- It only delays an extraction

A root canal is designed to be a permanent solution to a tooth that has been damaged by an abscess.

In rare cases, you may need to have an extraction after a root canal, but this will only happen if the root canal fails, which is a rare outcome. A root canal builds up the damaged tooth and allows it to function as the other teeth in the mouth do. So, its role is to restore and repair, not to delay another treatment.

Myth 5- Extractions are better

Of the two procedures, root canals offer more advantages.

They promote better oral health, prevent further tooth decay and gum disease, and also allow you to keep the aesthetics of your smile.

Extractions may not be the best option if you have an abscess at the front of your mouth, as you won’t want a gap in your smile. They can also take a long time to heal, whereas a root canal may feel sensitive, but doesn’t need any healing time.


All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.


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All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Contact us for more information. Rebates may vary depending on your individual health fund. 

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Monday - Friday            8:00am - 5:00pm​

Saturday - Sunday        Closed


134 Glasgow Street,

Whanganui 4500

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