It is recommended that you visit our general dentist for Whanganui, New Zealand at least once every six months and more often if you have dental health issues or if you are more prone to developing dental health issues, either through genetics or because of underlying health conditions.

Children visiting the dentist
Everyone needs to visit our general dentist for Whanganui, New Zealand. Young children need to visit our dentist at least once every six months especially after they lose their baby teeth and their adult teeth start to erupt. Our general dentist for Whanganui, New Zealand will be able to make sure that your children are brushing their teeth properly, if not they will be given tailored dental health advice. Our dentist will be able to make sure that there are no cavities developing in the teeth, as young children are often prone to developing cavities because they enjoy milk drinks, fruit juices, sweets and chocolate which can have a negative effect on their teeth. Our dentist will be able to identify any possible dental health complications early on and therefore put together a treatment plan accordingly or put plans in place for the future.
If your child has crooked and wonky teeth, visiting us at the Dentist on Glasgow will make sure that your child receives orthodontic treatment at the right time. Orthodontic treatment is very important not only to create a neatly aligned smile, but also to reduce dental health complications in the future. Crooked and wonky teeth develop more plaque and tartar than straight teeth, which means they are more likely to develop cavities, tooth decay and gum disease. By straightening your children’s teeth from an early age these issues can be averted, as well as avoiding a crooked smile as an adult.
Adult patients
As an adult it is also important that you visit the dentist regularly through all stages of life. Lifestyle choices can affect your dental health. Patients who smoke or drink heavily are more likely to develop dental health complications. Visiting our dentist regularly helps identify issues early on so they can be treated successfully and further damage can be prevented. Patients with medical conditions should also visit our dentist more often as certain illnesses can affect your dental health. This includes patients who suffer from diabetes. Diabetes has a direct effect on your teeth and gums so you need to make sure that our dentist is checking your teeth regularly to prevent early tooth loss.
Women may find that their teeth are affected at different stages of life. Hormonal changes can affect your dental health. This means that when you are pregnant or when you reach the menopause you need to visit our dentist more regularly as these are times in your life when your dental health can be compromised.
Elderly patients
Elderly patients should also visit our dentist often to maintain the health of their teeth for as long as possible. Elderly patients can be affected by bone decay and gum recession which can cause your teeth to become loose and fall out and by visiting our dentist regularly this can be prevented or at least delayed.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.